alu expert master 200

Alu Expert Master 200

ALU EXPERT 200 Automatic double miter 45 degree aluminium pvc cutting and drilling from bottom to connect frame.

Alu exper 200 is very easy to make frames. 45 degree cutting drilling from bottom just you connect edges. Adjustable for your connection items.

alu master expert 200
sahinx aluminium cutting machinery bursa turkey

ALU EXPERT 200 Automatic double miter 45 degree corner
aluminium and pvc cutting and drill for connection the edges. ALU EXPERT 200 designed to cut serial 45 degree wooden, aluminium profile and PVC and drilling the corner connection. The progress takes 10-15 sec. The Machine has air operated system for damping the item safely. The cutting saw and drilling unit moves with air-operated system. Profile dimensions easiy and zero adjustment with precision ruler. Left cutting group is fixed and right one is movable on lineer. The cutting group moves on lineer which has lubrication system. The machine has self cooling system.

You can see the technical specification right side. Sometimes standards changes by your request with little touches. We can make modifications. 

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