When you program a part, the autotool feature will search your tool library and will offer you the right punch and die for the job in hand.
You know you can easily create your part in 2D or 3D on NexT but you don’t even need to do that if you already have a DXF drawing of your part.
Just load your DXF directly to the control or on the offline software and watch NexT magically transform a flat drawing in to a 3D part.
If you are creating your DXF on SolidWorks, NexT will read all the embedded information in the DXF like angle, allowance, radius, thickness and material type and will create a full 3D part without you touching a thing.
SAHINNX PBX equipped with the easiest tool changing system you can find. With hydraulic tool clamping system you just mount your punch into the holder vertically and press the clamping button. The system will auto-seat and auto-align. You are done!
Our unique tool locator is a strip of LED lights that sit right above the punch clamp and will help you set up your tools easily by lighting up the exact spot you need to mount your tools.
This multi axis backgauge allows you to easily bend tapered (conic) parts without the hassle of marking the bending lines.
This feature not only reduces your electric bill and help save the environment but also prevents the hydraulic oil from reaching high temperatures therefore keeps the angles consistent from the start of the day to the end.
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